Welcome to ACCIONA’s electric vehicle charging platform. Download the app on your mobile and enjoy secure charging all over Spain.
Map of charging points
Choose your charging points and plan your trip
Everything is an advantage

in advance

is free

any day of the week

charging points
We can solve your doubts
Do you have any doubts or need technical support here are some FAQs to help you. If you don’t find an answer, contact us on the telephone number shown at the charging point or at the following email address: recarga@acciona.com
How can I register on ACCIONA’s charging platform?
It’s very simple. Download the app from the Apple Store (IOS devices) or Google Play (Android devices) and follow the instructions that appear on the screen. You will be able to charge your vehicle in just a few minutes.
How can I pay for the service?
By using your mobile phone. Our payment service is completely secure. Can either top up your balance, pay with your usual credit card through a secure payment gateway, or use PayPal.
In every case, the app will tell you the total sum of your charge at the point and duration of charge that you have selected.
How can I find an ACCIONA charging point?
The app contains a search engine and a map with all of ACCIONA’s charging points (previously called ‘Cargacoches’) where you can see which points are in service, occupied, reserved or undergoing maintenance. You can also access the map on this website.
How far in advance can I reserve a charging point?
You can reserve up to one month in advance. Don’t worry about queues and waiting time. We offer this Premium service to all users.
How do I start to charge my vehicle?
It’s very simple. Once you have chosen the charging point, press “Activar” (Activate), select the point if there is more than one and key in the charging time or power to be charged (in kWh).
How do I finish a charge?
On your mobile the app will offer you the option of ending before time by pressing “Finalizar”.
How can I contact someone if I have a problem during the charging process?
You can call our 24/7 emergency service that operates every day of the year. The telephone number of the service is marked on the charging point.
What type of charger can I use?
Each charging point included in the app will tell you about the type of charger and plug available. Choose the one that fits in with the technical specifications of your electric vehicle.